CERAMIC 2.0 (Davico Mfg)


Project Code name Davico-Ceramic 2.0
Project Title Automated Catalyst Wrapping Station
Abstract Our project’s goal was to continue the work done last year to automate the process of assembling catalytic converters for a local company. Last year’s design was unfinished and not assembled. This year, the team has worked to assemble last years design as well as making much-needed improvements and additions. The machine is first made functional by our team and in the future other parts will be needed to allow use by the company. These future additions will the machine safe to use as well as further automate the process of creating catalytic converters.
Faculty advisor Dr. Kihan Park
Sponsor Davico Manufacturing
Team lead  Andrew Floyd
Team Members  Matthew Pires, Connor Brady, Christian Desrochers, and Joel Marte
Video link TBA

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